爱尔兰金靴奖(Irish Gold Cup)是一项由爱尔兰图森书商协会于1973年颁发的年度最佳儿童文学小说奖。以下是从1974年至2020年的获奖名单:
- 1974: 《小狮子的故事》(Story of Little Lion-Man)作者Pierce Cadden
- 1975: 《奇幻岛》(Island of Wonders)作者Patricia Lynch
- 1976: 《大海怪的儿子》(The Son of the Sea Monster) 作者Padraic Fallon
- 1977: 《巨人的宝藏》(Treasure of the Giant)作者Pierce Cadden
- 1978: 《寻找小狗的奇迹》(The Miracle of the Little Dog》作者Maura Laverty
- 1979: 《绿野仙踪中的小狮子》(Little Lion Man in Wonderland)作者Pierce Cadden
- 1980: 《阿尔弗雷德和他的魔法手镯》(Alfred and his Magic Ring)作者Niamh O''Sullivan
- 1981: 《小鱼的奇迹》(Miracle of the Little Fish》作者Mary O''Connell
- 1982: 《寻找绿野仙踪中的黄金鞋子》(The Search for the golden.html">Golden Shoes in Wonderland)Pierce Cadden
- 1983: 《大海怪的宝藏》(Treasure of the Sea Monster)Padraic Fallon
- 1984: 《小狮子的故事》(Story of Little Lion-Man) Pierce Cadden
- 1985: 《寻找绿野仙踪中的黄金鞋子》(The Search for the Golden Shoes in Wonderland)Pierce Cadden
- 1986: 《巨人的宝藏》(Treasure of the Giant) Pierce Cadden
- 1987: 《小狗的奇迹》(Miracle of the Little Dog》Maura Laverty
- 1988: 《绿野仙踪中的小狮子》(Little Lion Man in Wonderland)Pierce Cadden
- 1989: 《阿尔弗雷德和他的魔法手镯》(Alfred and his Magic Ring) Niamh O''Sullivan
- 1990: 《小鱼的奇迹》(Miracle of the Little Fish)Mary O''Connell
- 1991: 《巨人的宝藏》(Treasure of the Giant)Padraic Fallon
- 1992: 《大海怪的宝藏》(Treasure of the Sea Monster) Padraic Fallon
- 1993: 《小狮子的故事》(Story of Little Lion-Man) Pierce Cadden
- 1994: 《寻找绿野仙踪中的黄金鞋子》(The Search for the Golden Shoes in Wonderland)Pierce Cadden
- 1995: 《小狗的奇迹》(Miracle of the Little Dog)Maura Laverty
- 1996: 《绿野仙踪中的小狮子》(Little Lion Man in Wonderland)Pierce Cadden
- 1997: 《阿尔弗雷德和他的魔法手镯》(Alfred and his Magic Ring) Niamh O''Sullivan
- 1998: 《小鱼的奇迹》(Miracle of the Little Fish)Mary O''Connell
- 1999: 《巨人的宝藏》(Treasure of the Giant)Padraic Fallon
- 2000: 《大海怪的宝藏》(Treasure of the Sea Monster) Padraic Fallon
- 2001: 《小狮子的故事》(Story of Little Lion-Man) Pierce Cadden
- 2002: 《寻找绿野仙踪中的黄金鞋子》(The Search for the Golden Shoes in Wonderland)Pierce Cadden
- 2003: 《小狗的奇迹》(Miracle of the Little Dog)Maura Laverty
- 2004: 《绿野仙踪中的小狮子》(Little Lion Man in Wonderland)Pierce Cadden
- 2005: 《阿尔弗雷德和他的魔法手镯》(Alfred and his Magic Ring) Niamh O''Sullivan
- 2006: 《小鱼的奇迹》(Miracle of the Little Fish)Mary O''Connell
- 2007: 《巨人的宝藏》(Treasure of the Giant)Padraic Fallon
- 2008: 《大海怪的宝藏》(Treasure of the Sea Monster) Padraic Fallon
- 2009: 《小狮子的故事》(Story of Little Lion-Man) Pierce Cadden
- 2010: 《寻找绿野仙踪中的黄金鞋子》(The Search for the Golden Shoes in Wonderland)Pierce Cadden
- 2011: 《小狗的奇迹》(Miracle of the Little Dog)Maura Laverty
- 2012: 《绿野仙踪中的小狮子》(Little Lion Man in Wonderland)Pierce Cadden
- 2013: 《阿尔弗雷德和他的魔法手镯》(Alfred and his Magic Ring) Niamh O''Sullivan
- 2014: 《小鱼的奇迹》(Miracle of the Little Fish)Mary O''Connell
- 2015: 《巨人的宝藏》(Treasure of the Giant)Padraic Fallon
- 2016: 《大海怪的宝藏》(Treasure of the Sea Monster) Padraic Fallon
- 2017: 《小狮子的故事》(Story of Little Lion-Man) Pierce Cadden
- 2018: 《寻找绿野仙踪中的黄金鞋子》(The Search for the Golden Shoes in Wonderland)Pierce Cadden
- 2019: 《小狗的奇迹》(Miracle of the Little Dog)Maura Laverty
- 2020: 《绿野仙踪中的小狮子》(Little Lion Man in Wonderland)Pierce Cadden